It has not been a good week for celebrities on magazine covers.
Today, Seventeen revealed its May cover, which features singer Meghan Trainor front and center. But something definitely looks a little off about the photo, and followers were quick to call out the mag for digitally altering the image.
"This is horrible Photoshopping honestly," one commenter wrote on Instagram. "Her head doesn't go with her body," another pointed out. Other users commented on how Trainor's hands and arms seemed out of proportion with the rest of her body, and that the image seemed at odds with the singer's body positivity message. (Not to mention the lyrics to "All About That Bass," which literally say: "I see the magazines working that Photoshop / We know that shit ain't real / Come on now, make it stop.") Yikes.
So, is this just a super-bizarre photo angle? Or did Seventeen #Photoshopfail Meghan Trainor? The mag hasn't yet responded to reader criticism. But back in 2012, the publication vowed never to alter the bodies or faces of the women who appear in its pages. Here's hoping they're sticking to that game plan.