Kesha Talks About That Time She Broke Into Prince’s House

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As millions worldwide mourn Prince’s passing at 57, we recall this amazing appearance in which Kesha offers a memory of Prince that sounds like the Bling Ring come to life. She’d been telling the story since 2009, but offered this definitive version while appearing on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show in July 2014. “It was so easy,” she says. “I cruised up in my dead grandpa’s car, and I get out and there’s a gardener in the front yard so I was like, ‘Here’s five dollars and don’t make a thing about it, I’m just going to slide right under this gate,’ and he just laughed and thought it was funny and that I was charming.” Kesha says the door was unlocked, “which was basically an invitation. So I walked in and everything was purple velvet. I was very pleased that my fantasy had come true and that there was, in fact, purple velvet everywhere.” That’s our fantasy, too. But not the fantasy of landlord Carlos Boozer, a former NBA player who reportedly was temporarily displeased by Prince’s redecoration. The conclusion to the story is shocking, perfect, and so Prince. Watch it below.

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