Zac Efron Tells The Story Of How He Shirtlessly Rescued A Puppy

Zac Efron and Seth Rogen are, as you know, starring in the upcoming Neighbors 2. They stopped by Buzzfeed to play a round of Never Have I Ever that, confusingly, didn't immediately devolve into sexual minutia. Bizarre. (Never Have I Ever is probably the third best late night party game, behind Truth or Dare and Who Is Going To Order Pizza.) There's a lot to love about this game, especially the fact that Rogen says he gave Efron a fake phone number. Perhaps the best story of all is Efron running out of his house in his underwear to rescue his puppy from the street. Who hasn't been there, right? Watch below, including an amazing story Rogen tells about being recognized at a party. That he was hosting. At his own house. If you want more, check out Buzzfeed's post on the matter.

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