Currently shooting the next two installments of Fifty Shades Of Grey back-to-back in Vancouver means Dakota Johnson is often spending most of her day naked. And she's not going to lie, pretending to have sex is not a whole lot of fun.
In Interview Magazine, Johnson says acting like you're having sex is "not ... comfortable. It's pretty tedious."
To make it more clear about how she feels shooting the movie's racier scenes, she told the magazine, "I've been simulating sex for seven hours straight right now, and I'm over it."
But, far worse than filming these scenes is the thought of her dad, actor Don Johnson, actually watching them.
When Johnson was asked if her dad watches her sex scenes she burst out laughing. "No! God, no," Johnson said. "Thank God."
That was the response any of us would have at the idea of our parents seeing us naked.
Don't think Johnson is some curmudgeon who hates her job though. She says she has "such an obsession with making movies" that she'll probably always do that.
Johnson is weary of Hollywood's focus on finding its new "It Girl," something she easily could have become after her starring role in Fifty Shades of Grey. Instead, she chose to focus on doing different kinds of films that would keep her from being typecast. This includes the rom-com How To Be Single and her upcoming role in A Bigger Splash starring Tilda Swinton.
Johnson's hope is that she will be an actress with a body of work people can admire, similar to the actresses she grew up loving.
"When I think about filmmakers and actresses that I have admired my whole life, I've admired their entire body of work. I have admired what they began with and what they're doing now," she said. "And now I feel like there's such a weird pressure to find the new face. I don't get it at all. I want to see women evolve. I want to see a body of work. I want to see all of it."
But Johnson won't ever want her dad to see all of it — or more specifically, all of her.