.@piersmorgan respect" for her (as an artist & businesswoman) doesn't mean you can't also be supporting racism (unbeknownst to you). It's no
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) April 25, 2016
.@piersmorgan different than saying you have "black friends" and therefore can't be racist. Do you agree with that?
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) April 25, 2016
.@piersmorgan I think it depends what aspect of the work you're critiquing. If you don't like the melodies that's one thing. But if you're
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) April 25, 2016
.@piersmorgan critiquing her way of speaking about her experiences as a black woman (something you and I will never experience) you are
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) April 25, 2016
.@piersmorgan essentially colluding with the status quo (which is the silencing and discrimination of black women). Truth is, no one sees
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) April 25, 2016
.@piersmorgan themselves as racist. I can even imagine the KKK saying, "We aren't racist it's just that black people..." Racism exists on a
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) April 25, 2016
.@piersmorgan spectrum and you don't have to "feel hateful" to be doing a disservice to anti-racism and thus, supporting racism. Make sense?
— Matt McGorry (@MattMcGorry) April 25, 2016
Tea & scones anyone?
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) April 25, 2016
Night. #beyonce pic.twitter.com/mZsUU27qCl