North West Is Too Cute In This Faceswap

North West has already, at the advanced age of two, proved herself to be a mistress of Snapchat. First, there was her remarkable showing with expert use of filters. Second, her faceswap with mother Kim. Preternatural, we think. Now, she's back at it again with the fire snaps. Kim posted a video of North faceswapping with her best friend, Ryan. "I'm Northy," Ryan says. "I'm Ryan," North says. The video is made extra uncanny by the constant jumping in the face swaps. And by the fact that that kids look a lot alike. So their faces jump back and forth while each claims to be the other. Oh, and there are some tracking issues. It's kind of a cute effect, but also kind of hellish. Who knows what other media North will come to dominate. Slack? WhatsApp? The sky is the limit for this social diva.

North face swapping with her best friend Ryan ❤️❤️❤️???

A video posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on


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