This Hilarious Take On Lemonade Is Going Viral

Guys — we know. We get it. It is a post-Lemonade world, and we are all in formation. But always remember: Beyoncé is like the Highlander. There can be only one. Buuuut we’re all going to try anyway. Like this woman, Twitter comedian @LaLaSizaHands89, who provides us — free of cost! — with a “Great Value” version of “Hold Up.” And it. Is. Glorious.
Ah, Champagne taste on a light beer budget. The dress looks like it’s leftover from a Beauty and the Beast Halloween costume. Instead of a quaint downtown, she struts the parking lot of an apartment complex, stopping to twerk as people look on in confusion. Her blue whiffle bat is named Ketchup. And lest we forget — only Beyoncé can actually get away with the physical pondering of the question, “Is it better to be jealous or crazy?” Drop the bat and walk away, girl. While the video is hilarious, we do have do discourage others from making their own versions. As we’ve found out, Beyoncé doesn’t take too kindly to others encroaching on her turf.

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