Another Beauty Queen Was Wrongly Crowned & It’s Even More Awkward Than You Can Imagine

It turns out, Steve Harvey isn't the only one who has trouble properly identifying the winner of a beauty pageant. Yes, another queen has been mistakenly crowned, this time at the Miss Rondonia Mundo pageant in Brazil. But, if you thought Harvey's gaffe was uncomfortable, this one truly takes the tiara for Most Awkward Moment at a Beauty Pageant. As Mic points out, the pageant not only announced that Leticia Cappatto had won when she actually hadn't, one organizer also managed to drop the crown as she was placing it on Cappatto's head. Another man then picked it up and replaced it atop Cappatto, where it sat for mere seconds before yet another woman ran up behind her and immediately took it off. Announcers quickly explained there had been a mistake.
As if this weren't bad enough, in the midst of all the confusion, the woman holding the crown actually appeared to shuttle it back and forth over the two contestants' heads as she awaited the final word on who had actually won. When it was finally announced that Karliany Barbosa was the real winner, Cappatto politely refused to put on the second-place sash, even swatting it away a couple of times before reluctantly allowing them put it on her. Cappatto later said of the ordeal, “I didn’t know what to do when it happened. It felt like I was taking part in a scene from a film. I just wanted to leave that place, I felt humiliated," according to the Daily Mail. “Some of the women said they were going to take legal action but I don’t know what I am going to do yet,” she continued. As for Miss Rondonia Mundo herself, Barbosa said, "If I won, it was on merit. I plan to start preparing myself shortly for the national competition."

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