Everyone Is Downloading The Trump’s Wall Parody App In The App Store

Photo: Alex Menendez/REX/Shutterstock.
Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, has made plenty of incendiary comments during the 2016 campaign trail. But one of his most infamous campaign platforms includes building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border — and forcing Mexico to pay for it. Now, there's a parody app to emphasize just how ridiculous Trump's platform is. The Trump's Wall app is currently number eight in the App Store's list of most popular free apps and it hit the fifth-place spot on Tuesday, CNN reports. The app allows users to build a wall — but instead of being at the border, the wall is in front of a White House-inspired building that bears Trump's name. If your wall falls over, the app lets you know that "you're fired." In addition, the app features some of Trump's other statements, like, "The beauty of me is I'm very rich," and, "It's lyin' Ted!" The app claims that "all characters in it are entirely fictional." But it's not hard to imagine where the inspiration came from.

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