Ruby Rose Defends Her “Fry-Yay The 13th” Freak-Out

Credit: Matt Baron/REX/Shutterstock.
Friday the 13th was just a few days ago, and Ruby Rose was part of one of those freaky moments we warned you about. It all went down in a restaurant, Rebellion Bar and Urban Kitchen, in New Orleans. The story involves french fries, cursing, and alcohol. The tale is pretty strange and boils down to a sort of he-said-she-said situation, but here's what happened in an interaction deemed "Fry-Yay the 13th" by Rose herself. Rose was interested in eating at the popular restaurant, so she, her assistant, and her tour manager reached out for a reservation. But seeing as it was Friday, the restaurant was a bit busy. Rose went anyway, and according to an article on, the host and staff did their best to accommodate Rose on the busy night. The service was a bit slow (one employee estimated it took about 40 minutes for Rose's table to get their appetizers). Staff also said they offered Rose the appetizers free of charge, as well as a few rounds of drinks on the house while the party waited for their entrees. Rose declined the drinks and explained that she was sober, but things continued to escalate. What happened next is a bit murky. Seung Hong, the owner of Rebellion, told that Rose had a straight-up tantrum, saying that "she was awful" and "a horrible person." He said Rose began repeatedly throwing french fries at the waiter and caused a scene that disrupted the dining experience of all the guests. Hong eventually asked her to leave, as he told the site, "It was the first time I've ever had to ask someone to leave, and it was Ruby Rose." Rose, however, claims that her waiter was acting inappropriately by teasing her for being sober. The actress responded to the restaurant's claims and the incident on her Facebook page the next day, Saturday May 14. She wrote, "I have huge love, respect and admiration for servers around the world and how hard they work. I also have mad love for New Orleans and I want to come back 100 times if you will have me." She went on to say that her volatile reaction was spurred by comments about her sobriety. "I worked so hard to achieve [sobriety.] It's hard not to react emotionally," she explained. Rose said that she "threw a singular fry at him." But "then he came back as we were getting ready to leave and continued making awful comments, so I continued with the fries." She said she regrets her decision to do so, but that she felt attacked and that was her response. The restaurant responded with a post on its Facebook page May 15 saying that Rose was lying about the situation in an effort to defend her actions. Hong wrote, "I don't want to get into some pointless flame war, but I do want to clear up a couple of things. 1, we do not mock anyone for sobriety. That is just a flat out lie. If anyone on our staff actually spoke that way to a guest, they would absolutely be fired." He continued, calling Rose a bully "Like most bar/restaurants in New Orleans, we are supporters of the LGBT community. Good luck with being a homophobic service industry business in New Orleans. And the bartender that Ruby threw her food at is a member of the LGBT community and is one of the most gracious, respectful guys you will ever meet. His patience, cool, and grace in that situation was admirable. He was only trying to accommodate Ruby. She responded by being a bully and seemed to find it amusing to throw food at someone." It's still unclear who cast the first stone, but many have been thrown at this point. Read both parties full responses, below.

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