Ariana Grande Gives Greatest Interview Of Our Time, Discusses Topless Whole Foods Shopping

Ariana Grande is not fucking around. I don't care if you're still annoyed by that time she licked some doughnuts and said she hated America. Because today is the day I fell in love with her and her weird-ass brand of feminism by way of her interview with Billboard.
The singer's had little moments of feminism in the past year. She's responded to sexist trolls on Facebook. She's even discussed the double standards of female and male sexuality on social media. And now I see that Grande left these snippets around like a trail of bread crumbs — and they're all leading up to this quote from her Billboard interview.
Grande shows her interviewer a series of misogynistic tweets from a U.K. radio station that shamed Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian for showing skin, while simultaneously praising Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik for it. This really grinds her gears. "If you’re going to rave about how sexy a male artist looks with his shirt off, and a woman decides to get in her panties or show her boobies for a photo shoot, she needs to be treated with the same awe and admiration," she says in the interview. And then, we have the quote to end all quotes.
"I will say it until I’m an old-ass lady with my tits out at Whole Foods. I’ll be in the produce aisle, naked at 95, with a sensible ponytail, one strand of hair left on my head and a Chanel bow. Mark my words. See you there with my 95 dogs.”
What a day this is, friends. Not only is Grande using her cover story interview to bring her personal brand of feminism to the table, but she's shattered the idea of what a feminist is. A feminist isn't a man-hating, curmudgeonly spinster who lives out her days in her apartment with 43 cats. No. A feminist is a sexually empowered woman who's buying her organic produce topless. And she brought her rescue dogs along for the ride.
It's not a perfect definition, and readers will undoubtedly take issue with Grande's stance. But today, I am so here for it.

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