I'm so thrilled we saw a penis on Game of Thrones, it's always tits and ass, so yes this is amazing lol. Equal opportunities!
— Sasha (@LiveBodhisattva) May 23, 2016
yessss full on penis in game of thrones bout bloody time
— Sian (@Sian_Catalina) May 22, 2016
Once again Game of Thrones is like, FINE HAVE A PENIS… displayed in the most unsexy way possible, bc we don’t understand the female gaze
— Sarah L. Tolcser (@SarahTolcser) May 23, 2016
No, Game Of Thrones, showing a closeup of a flaccid penis being examined for genital warts is NOT "equal opportunity nudity".
— WinonaaAARGH! (@actuallywinona) May 23, 2016