Fans of Making a Murderer have been eagerly awaiting their next true-crime binge-watch since finishing the series this past winter. Fortunately, the team behind the series is already working on something new.
The next TV project for Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, the two directors behind Making a Murderer, will be a scripted drama produced by George Clooney. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the series, titled America's Most Admired Lawbreaker, will follow "the true story of a venerable pharmaceutical company that created a powerful drug and marketed it aggressively to children and the elderly while allegedly manipulating and hiding data about its side effects."
A possible second season or follow-up to Making a Murderer is still up in the air. During a panel discussion at New York’s IFC Center, Ricciardi explained, "We do know that two potential outcomes are that the judge could order Brendan’s release or he could order a new trial. So we are on the edge of seats about that. To the extent that there are significant developments, we would like to continue documenting this (case).”
Even if a second season of Making a Murderer doesn't happen, this new project should uncover some new injustices to rage against.