Elizabeth Warren Spent Her Birthday In A Very Productive Way

Wednesday, June 22 is Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's birthday. But you wouldn't find her out celebrating. Instead, she was busy sitting on the floor of the House of Representatives. About 30 House Democrats staged the sit-in to push for gun control legislation on Wednesday morning, and it dragged on through the night. Their goal was to hold up business until Republicans agreed to vote on a bill that would restrict gun access for suspected terrorists and another that would tighten requirements for background checks, according to The Atlantic. Warren and other Senators also held a filibuster last week to call for stricter gun control in the aftermath of the Orlando shootings.
But even with this serious issue in mind, at least it looks like Warren had a little fun on her birthday.
In all seriousness, though, she did do one celebratory thing: She stepped outside for a moment to pick up Dunkin' Donuts.
It's not birthday cake, but when you're busy fighting for political reform, donuts will do.

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