In today's world, public breakups are more difficult than ever. Thanks to the ubiquity of social media, there are so many more ties to unravel.
Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift know this better than most.
Following their uncoupling a few weeks ago, Harris and Swift scrubbed all evidence of their yearlong relationship from their respective Instagram feeds. It wasn't enough for them to end it, they also wanted all of us to forget that Tayvin ever even happened. Good try!
But now, it seems that Harris is back and ready to see what the Swift fam is up to. Late last night, the Scottish DJ followed Swift and her younger brother Austin on Instagram. Fans were quick to notice.
Upon further inspection, both Swifts now follow Harris back as well. I checked it out myself, and the rumors are true.
Below, a list of who Taylor is following.
via Instagram.
And who Harris is following.
via Instagram.
We'll see if Harris stays a loyal follower once Swift starts sharing pictures of her and her new boo Tom Hiddleston. He says he's okay with it, but only time will tell.