Woke Bae
Matt McGorry Is The Quintessential Woke Bae & Here’s Why

The ladies of RIOT crown "Orange is The New Black" and "How to Get Away With Murder" star Matt McGorry a woke bae.

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Matt McGorry is "fine like the baby hairs on Chilli's head," or so says comedian Marina Franklin on the latest episode of RIOT's Woke Bae, with host Phoebe Robinson. This week, the ladies talk all things McGorry — his starring roles on Orange is The New Black and How to Get Away With Murder — and his ultra-feminist reading list. As an actor on two shows dominated by strong women of color, McGorry's willingness to speak out on behalf of intersectional feminism shouldn't go unacknowledged. "I know what a lot of you are probably thinking," Franklin says. "Just because he's surrounded by women doesn't mean that he supports our cause." Robinson shows McGorry's woke-bae receipts: he tweets actively about trans equality and #BlackLivesMatter. He's passionate about reading more from the feminist canon. A cute boy with a well-worn copy of Black Looks: Race and Representation on his bedside table? Oh, yes. McGorry had the Woke Bae ladies so excited that they started a Matt McGorry fan club, complete with homemade T-shirts. This week's guest, Marina Franklin, is an NYC-based comedian who is a writer for the upcoming HBO series Divorced, starring Sarah Jessica Parker. Franklin is also on Horace and Pete, Louis C.K.'s web series.
Matt McGorry Woke BaeReleased on June 30, 2016

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