Imagine: You take your kid out for a nice little excursion to see Finding Dory. You sit own in the packed theater and enjoy your $800 (that's an estimate) popcorn and snack situation. Then, the lights go down, and the trailers begin. You're not-so-secretly thrilled that you get to watch The Secret Life of Pets teaser for the 10th time. But instead of adorable taking pups, instead what comes on is the trailer for Seth Rogen's new animated comedy, Sausage Party. That's what happened to theatergoers at a recent showing of Finding Dory at a California Cinema. This little mistake was decidedly... not good.
Though you would be forgiven for assuming otherwise, it is not about dicks. (Although, I guess you could make the case that it kind of is, because that's sort of a hallmark of Rogen's films). But explicitly speaking, Sausage Party is about grocery items that discover being taken home from the store means you're going to get murdered by humans. He plays a floppy hotdog, which seems accurate, and also says "fuck" a lot in the trailer.
In any event: We're pretty sure that a decent number of children are now both afraid of eating a carrots and also trying out some new four-lettered words as a result.