Anne Hathaway Pays Tribute To The Devil Wears Prada

There is one person who might be feeling even more nostalgic than you about the 10th anniversary of The Devil Wears Prada today: Anne Hathaway herself. "What else can I say about the movie that changed my life?" she asked. (Well, one could make that case for The Princess Diaries, too, but that's beside the point.) The actress even addressed the movie as if it were really an old friend, like a true fan.
An extended version of Variety's interview with Hathaway, conducted as part of the oral history published last week, is adding fuel to our own nostalgic revery about the movie's milestone. Among her funny recollections about being half-naked when she found out she got the part, and how nervous she was in front of Meryl Streep, Hathaway also said something quite sweet about working with a then-unknown Emily Blunt.
"I’ve never witnessed a star being born before," Hathaway said. "That’s the first time I ever watched it happen. She’s just breathtaking in every way, and so funny and quick and clever and so fun and so kind. I was just always amazed by her ability to be such a girlfriend between takes and they’d just yell 'Action!,' and she’d eviscerate me. And then finally, like maybe a month in, I went up to her and said, 'Are you that smart? Do you practice?' She said, 'Oh god. I prepare every night.'" If you need us, we'll be watching their scenes together on a loop.

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