Does Sasha Obama Have A Secret Twitter Account?

Cue the collective internet freakout for the day: While speaking with Hillary Clinton Tuesday at a campaign rally, President Obama suggested that his daughter Sasha has a Twitter account. According to The Boston Globe, President Obama, referring to Donald Trump's Twitter use, saying, “Everybody can tweet, but nobody knows what it takes to do the job until you’ve sat behind the desk. I mean, Sasha tweets, but she doesn’t think that she should thereby be sitting behind the desk." This is where things got crazy: Neither of the Obama girls has an official Twitter account, although 15-year-old Sasha's mom and dad have accounts.
Twitter users and non-Twitter users alike began professing sarcastic reactions to the secrecy of the situation and suggesting hilarious claims to fame Sasha could also be harboring:
While the White House has not commented publicly on whether Sasha has an account, or what it could be, we find it highly unlikely that she is secretly Beyoncé in disguise or ghostwriting for Drake. Although both achievements would be impressive. Realistically, the statement from the President could have been a slip-up — perhaps he got texting and tweeting confused. It's also possible he was speaking hypothetically, but not literally, and using Sasha as an example. Either way, the Twitter speculation made for a pretty entertaining afternoon.

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