Disney’s Giving High School Musical A Bad Lip Reading

Here's a fun little fact to make you feel old: High School Musical has been around for over 10 years. And since its target audience is a bit old for a love story taking place in a high school now, Disney had a new idea. On July 11, a painfully inaccurate lip reading of the movie will air on Disney XD, The A.V. Club reported. The TV channel teamed up with the YouTube channel Bad Lip Reading to create this new masterpiece starring Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens exchanging complete non-sequiturs. During what was a musical number titled "Start of Something New" in the original, the two characters perform at a New Year's party. "I just ate a peanut," one character informs them as he ushers them on-stage. "We could go play outside," Efron attempts to woo his love interest. "Gross! You're so smiley!" she responds to his gibberish. Watch the madness unfold below. And catch the full movie at 11 a.m. on July 11.

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