This Classic Board Game’s Getting A Feminist Makeover

Photo: PhilYeomans/Bournemouth News/REX/Shutterstock.
You may have memories of playing Clue with your family growing up. What you might not recall is how sexist the character choices were. Think about it: The only original female characters are a femme fatale, a widow without a clear profession, and a housekeeper. But that's about to change. This August, we're getting a new character, and she's not your typical Clue woman, according to Slate. Dr. Orchid is a biologist with a PhD in plant toxicology. Based on promo images, it also looks like Dr. Orchid will score the game a point for racial diversity. She appears to be of Asian heritage, which would make her Clue's first character of color. Now little girls playing Clue will know they can be more than housekeepers or profession-less wives: They can also kick ass at science while solving mysteries.

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