Amber Rose Thinks It’s Unfair That Taylor Swift Got A “Famous” Heads Up & She Didn’t

Move over, Taylor Swift. Amber Rose has her own bone to pick with Kanye West. Like Swift, Rose was transformed into a naked wax figure for West's controversial "Famous" video. Unlike Swift, however, Rose didn't get the courtesy of a phone call warning her about it. West's ex spoke out about the slight on The Amber Rose Show. She understands why Swift got a heads up given her complicated relationship with the rapper, but wonders why he didn't bother to make that same effort with her. "Why didn't I get a phone call for using a naked wax figure in your video, Kanye?" she pointed out during the show. "Taylor gets a call, but I don't get a call, so please stay out of the fucking news so I don't have to talk about your ass no more." For what it's worth, Swift was only warned about that now infamous "Famous" verse, not the wax figure. On the other hand, he and Rose once had an actual romantic relationship. Did he owe his ex a little more respect?

#AmberRose wanted a phone call from #Kanye like #TaylorSwift.

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