This One GIF Proves How Alicia Vikander & Michael Fassbender Feel About Each Other

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender are obviously putting in their bid for cutest celeb couple, 2016. Vikander and Fassbender took to Entertainment Weekly's Tumblr to answer fans' questions while promoting their upcoming movie, The Light Between Oceans, and the GIF they took of themselves shows that the serious actors are totally comfortable being goofy with each other.
Some fun facts the pair revealed about themselves in the Q&A — they'd both be open to directing, Fassbender "love[s] James McAvoy. Hard," and milking the goat was a big deal on set.
They also spoke a little about their connection to the characters they play, with Vikander explaining what she likes about her character, Isabel: "She has a fun walk that I would love to use more myself in real life. I wish I have her energy and life force. And baby-stealing (just kidding)."
The couple continue to show off their compatibility as they go through press interviews. The one with E! below, for instance, shows them both dissolving into laughter when Fassbender makes a slightly uncomfortable joke.
The Light Between Oceans will hit theaters on September 2.

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