Mila Kunis Compares Ashton Kutcher’s Penis To A Guinness Beer

Photo: Broadimage/REX.
Update, July 27 2016: Mila Kunis told E! News Ashton Kutcher was satisfied with her choice of "Guinness" when asked if her husband's penis was more like a carrot stick or a beer can. "He was very happy about the Guinness," she said. "And then I was like, 'I should've been like a 40!'"
Original article to follow.
To promote Bad Moms, out this weekend, Mila Kunis and Christina Applegate headed over to The Late Late Show with James Corden. In a game of "Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts," Corden gave a pregnant Kunis the option of either drinking clam juice or answering a question about her husband's um, member. "Ashton Kutcher: Carrot stick, or beer can?" Corden asked. "I have to have one or the other? Carrot stick…" she answered. When Corden looked doubtful, Kunis changed her answer. "Well, I'm thinking beer cans are short! Beer can, beer can. I'm thinking short and stubby or long and thin. But yes…like a Guinness," she said. Applegate and Kunis then had to answer more questions, like what annoys Applegate most about Kunis, for one. When Kunis was asked to explain the plot of her 2015 movie flop, Jupiter Ascending, she opted instead to take a bite of cow tongue. (Ick!) Watch the full game, below:

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