Watch What Happens When Cara Delevingne Interviews Herself For The First Time

Photo: John Sciulli/Getty Images.
Interviewing yourself sounds like a difficult feat, but Cara Delevingne pulled it off with some help from the internet. In a recent Wired video, the model and Suicide Squad star answered the most googled questions about herself, as determined by Google Autocomplete. Google Autocomplete offers insightful, bizarre, and sometimes scary looks into what people are searching for on the web. The predictions, which stem from the words you start typing into the search bar, trending searches, and your past searches, are created using a specific algorithm. According to Google, this algorithm takes into account how often other people have searched for a term and is "designed to reflect the range of info on the web." That range is what makes some of the predicted questions so odd. Some of the weirdest ones Delevingne had to tackle: "Is Cara Delevingne related to Emma Stone?" and "What is Cara Delevingne tattoo?" Luckily, Delevingne took all the questions in stride, revealing her cheeky humor throughout. Watch the full interview below to find out how she met her girlfriend St. Vincent and the secret to those incredible brows.

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