Caitlyn Jenner Says She Considered Suicide During Her Transition

Caitlyn Jenner recently opened up about her transition in a candid interview on HBO's Any Given Wednesday. The former Olympian admitted that there was a point during the process when ending her life crossed her mind. The thought struck her after she received an operation on her Adam's apple, and the paparazzi snapped a photo of her. "I'm up at 3 a.m. walking up and down my hallway, thinking, 'Damn, all this shit is going to come out tomorrow and it's going to be horrible,'" she recalls. "And I said, 'You know what, easy way, go in the other room, you got a gun, let's just end it right here.' "I don't want my story to end that way, on a negative note," she realized in the morning. "That was the beginning of me turning my thinking around to say, 'Okay, I think I can do this.'" Now, she's glad she pushed through. "I have renewed my life. My life is so interesting, so simple," Jenner told Bill Simmons. She contrasted her old life, when she would go to Vegas and dress as a woman in secret, with her new one of being recognized for who she is. Watch a segment from the interview, below.

If you are a trans person thinking about suicide or experiencing a crisis, please call the Trans Lifeline at 1-877-565-8860 for confidential support from other trans individuals.

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