Leslie Jones Has Arrived In Rio To Make NBC’s Olympic Coverage Great Again

Rio, we hope you have adequately prepared for this event: Leslie Jones is upon you. We are one step closer to living our dream of having an alternate commentary track for every sport, as the Saturday Night Live cast member joins NBC's coverage of the 2016 Olympics.
Of course, we still have no idea if they'll use the Ghostbuster to her full potential — in our opinion, that would mean she gets to replace Bob Costas. According to USA Today, NBC Sports' Olympics executive producer Jim Bell invited the actress to come to Rio as a contributor after Mike Shoemaker, a producer at Late Night With Seth Meyers, suggested it to him via Twitter. This sort of move is not very typical for the networks. "She’s in the family, as an SNL cast member," Bell told the paper. "We thought it would be fun. SNL is on board. She’s on board. And she’s going to be down here later this week." After announcing her new gig on Monday, she continued to provide her unparalleled cheers, play-by-plays, and even a critique of Costas' interview with the women's gymnastics team. "Bob, they are not laughing at that shit," she says in a video, which does not indicate the question Costas asked the women. "What the fuck are you asking these fucking Olympians, Bob?"
Whatever Jones' official role for NBC turns out to be, we hope she gets to live-tweet the events with as much unbridled enthusiasm as she's been doing from home. If her videos from the hotel, airport, and street are any indication, viewers are in for a treat. "We're across the street from the beach, y'all," she told followers this morning, "where epicnessness is about to happen."

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