Is Adele The Most Unfiltered Performer?

Part of Adele's charm is that she's never had a filter. She is completely herself on stage, and her lack of a filter makes for a lot of funny moments on stage. At her performance in Los Angeles Tuesday night, Adele invited a member from the audience on stage to sing. The expectation on Adele's face is clear: she's ready to politely smile and applaud the efforts of someone without her range. But there's a twist: the woman she invited to share her stage was a singer herself. "Take it away, sing whatever you want," Adele told the woman. That's exactly what Harper did.
Harper is a Grammy and Billboard-nominated singer, according to her Instagram bio. She sang a few lines of Adele's "Remedy," and followed up with “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.” Adele's look of shock at Harper's talent is sweet. And then, because she's Adele, she throws up her hands in praise. "When Adele says 'sing some more. sing anything you want.' and you get to sing your parent's "song" for her," Harper captioned on Instagram. "I don't even have the words to say! but thank you Adele. what a spiffy lil evenin."

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