Adele Gave Up Pizza, Proving She Is Stronger Than All Of Us

Photo: Dave J Hogan/Getty Images.
Whelp, this makes it official: There is nothing that Adele can't do. The adorably unfiltered singer has 10 Grammys. Her video for "Hello" broke records as the most viewed video on Vevo within its first 24 hours, and her voice is so strong it can literally break concert PA systems. Hell, she can even get away with forgetting the lyrics to her own songs and inspire none other than J.Lo to dance happily at her concert. But now, she has truly done the impossible: given up pizza. "I can’t eat pizza anymore guys, how bad is that?" the pop star is quoted as saying by British newspaper the Daily Star. "Because it’s got cooked tomatoes on it, which are bad for your throat and give you acid reflux," she went on to explain. "How bad is that, that I can’t eat pizza, can you get over that?" No, Adele, we cannot. We'd wager a bet that Katy Perry, Chrissy Teigen, and Cara Delevingne wouldn't be able to, either. Stay strong.

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