Kate Upton Dissed The Kardashians On Snapchat

Screenshot: Via Snapchat.
Pictured: The offending image.
Thumper put it best: "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all." Or, screw it, and just go to town on Snapchat. Kate Upton sent a little shade the Kardashians' way on social media last night. Fresh off appearing on Chelsea Handler's talk show, the model and her hairstylist Bryce Scarlett took a moment to share a selfie on Snapchat. The image shows Upton pulling some sort of crumbled duck pout, but it's the caption that really has people talking. "I look like a Kardashian, nose job and all," she quipped. Was Upton just goofing around, or is there bad blood between her and the reality stars? If so, Kanye West might be to blame. In a 2013 radio interview the rapper took aim at the media's love affair with the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model. "[The media wants to sat that] Kate Upton is Marilyn Monroe," he said. "Kate Upton ain't Marilyn Monroe, Kim is Marilyn Monroe." How about we all just agree that Marilyn Monroe was Marilyn Monroe, and play nice? We could use a break from the celebrity feuds, especially when it's about judging people's looks.

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