Happy Women’s Equality Day, everyone! By the way, did you know that women in the United States still don’t actually have equality? Don’t feel bad — at least a vast majority of us are equally deluded! In a new poll, it turns out 96% of Americans believe that men and women are equal, and over 80% of us think these rights are already guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. When I first realized that I was going to make a feature documentary film about American women, their rights in the United States, and the impact that not having federal equality in our Constitution has on their everyday lives, I knew it would land in Hollywood like a shipment of mink ear muffs in Miami. No one would want a thing to do with it. Frankly, I wasn’t chomping at the bit to do it, either. Let’s face it: It sounded like the cinematic equivalent of cod-liver oil. I knew I was in for a helluva long slog between the concept, the research, the interviewing, the transcribing, writing, cutting, and endless shaping of the material.
There is the problem of 'feminism' itself — how difficult and unappealing that word is to our poor, delicate Seth MacFarlane- and Marky Mark-trained audiences.
As a woman in Hollywood, one expects her projects to be generally met with indifference, if not downright condescension.
Imagine the entire fate of the new women’s movement, the hopes of ERA supporters across the nation, rejected because of me and my lack of swagger.
The time is now for women to use their voices and demand their due. Without equivocation. Without apology.