New American Horror Story Teaser Is A Tangle Of Terror

Another week, another American Horror Story season 6 teaser to keep us guessing what Ryan Murphy is up to. So far, the epic sneak peeks have taken us to a field, basement, farmhouse, and other creepy places. This 19th installment brings us to a bathroom where we'd never, ever go for a pampering soak. Titled "Bathing Beauty," the sinister segment is drowning with dark irony as the camera follows a thick tangle of black hair from a drain opening to a body slumped over the side of the (probably haunted) tub. With a chilling crackle, the head spins around to reveal a face-sized mouth ringed with jagged teeth. No eyes, nose, or lips; just a gaping mouth. Does that mouth-face belong to the titular bathing beauty? What's up with her ragged Rapunzel locks? Is there a hair-eating monster inside that bathtub? The more teasers Murphy gives us, the more questions they raise — which is no surprise, since FX CEO John Landgraf has publicly called the teasers "misdirects." Theories have circulated that season 6 will take place in a desolate Midwestern town, revolve around a film set, or possibly link to Ryan Murphy's other gory drama, Scream Queens. One thing's for sure: familiar faces from past AHS seasons, including Sarah Paulson, Lady Gaga, and Angela Bassett, will return. Fortunately, the September 14 premiere of American Horror Story seasons 6 is only a few weeks away. Then, the real mysteries can begin.

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