Wendy Williams Takes A Side In The Miley Cyrus/Mariah Carey Beef

In a cover interview with Elle, Miley Cyrus threw some major shade at Mariah Carey. "I’ve never really been a fan, because it’s so much about Mariah Carey. That’s part of her shtick; I can see through that," she said. "It's about what she's wearing, and it's about her. What I make isn't about me. It's about sharing my story; it's about someone being connected to what I'm saying." Wendy Williams just called bullshit on that. "Miley, it is about you," she said on The Wendy Williams Show, according to The Mirror. "We all know that Mariah could sing you under the me Mariah is the real deal, and Miley is a carnival act." Williams makes a fair point. With lyrics like "she's just being Miley" and "dancing with Miley," several of Miley's songs are quite literally about her. The talk show host took stock of her Facebook fans' opinions, and they seemed to agree with her. "When she gets to half of what Mariah is then maybe she can say something," one commented.
Was Miley's assessment of Mariah as a diva accurate? You bet. But does that make her above her, like she seems to suggest? Hardly. Mariah earned her diva status. Miley hasn't. Yet.

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