You Know You Want To Watch Mario Batali Pour Wine On Jimmy Fallon

Photo: Courtesy of NBC.
Generally, if you want to watch people throwing wine at each other, you have to sink to the darkest depths of reality TV — I'm looking at you Real Housewives of any city. Rarely do we get to see actual famous people pouring vino on one another, especially world-renowned chefs. On last night's episode of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon challenged celebrity chef Mario Batali to a blind wine taste test. Jimmy wanted to see if the Big American Cookbook author could distinguish between a very expensive vintage wine and wine that comes in a box. You might think that this would be no problem for Batali (although we've seen how little famous people know about boxed wine). The chef claimed that he's not a wine snob and that there are no wrong observations when tasting wine, but he was still up to Jimmy's challenge. The two headed over to join Steve Higgins, who had four wine glasses and two blindfolds laid out on a table in front of him. Thanks to Higgins' continuous jokes and purposeful clumsiness, the taste test quickly devolved, and, at the announcer's goading, Batali ended up throwing wine right in Jimmy's blindfolded face. The look of satisfaction on Chef Mario's face after the trick is probably the best part. Add this clip to his Real Housewives audition tape.

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