Kylie Jenner’s New Hair Might Be Her Most Beautiful Yet

Rose Gold

A photo posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Kylie Jenner is a hair-color chameleon. After sporting silvery-blond hair for the past few weeks (a move she documented on Snapchat), the starlet has switched up her color yet again, this time swapping out platinum for a super-pretty pink — and we dig it. Earlier this week, Jenner hinted at another color change to come when she told Snapchat followers, “I’ve been thinking about dyeing my blond hair red before going back to brunette again.” While we'd love to see her go back to the fiery, cherry shade she was rocking a few months back, we're totally into the soft, pumped-up pastel look, too. It's unclear how long this dye job will last — especially considering the dizzying pace at which Jenner changes her hair — but for now, we're just glad to see that things are coming up rose gold for the youngest Jenner.

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