Harry Styles Has The Power To Bring Back Black Nail Polish

Photo: Mark Robert Milan/Getty Images.
Harry Styles has this unique ability to flip fashion rules on their heads — sometimes quite literally. For a while, he was the poster boy for "long hair, don't care" (or "man bun, more fun.") He's rocked floral-printed suits, and, most recently, in the fall issue of Another Man, debuted three different hairstyles. And now, it looks like Styles is at it yet again — only this time, he debuted a look that has nothing to do with his hair, or clothes, at all. This time, it's all about his nails. At a party in London for his Another Man cover, Styles wore black nail polish — and it was so awesome, it had us all wondering whether we should pull out our own moody palettes as well. Naturally, Twitter went wild. User Katherine sums it up best:
Others are still recovering.
But mainly, people are just glad to see that black is back in the spotlight.
Welcome back, goth nail polish. We missed you.

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