Jennifer Weiner Is The Body-Positive Hero We All Need Right Now

Photo: Courtesy of Simon and Schuster.
Chances are, you probably know Jennifer Weiner as the prolific author behind bestselling books such as In Her Shoes, Good In Bed, and Who Do You Love. And if you're a fan, you may also know that she's a fierce advocate of body positivity. Earlier this year, Weiner started the #WearTheSwimsuit movement on Twitter, encouraging followers to post photos of themselves in their swimsuits to spread the message that all bodies are beautiful — an idea that we're pretty familiar with here at Refinery29. “When you start to see bodies that look like yours, it resets your idea of what ‘normal’ is and how you’re supposed to look,” she told People about her mission at the time. “There’s an actual impact that visuals have, so I wanted to give the world some visuals.” It's probably no coincidence that Weiner chose Twitter as her medium for a body-positive movement. After all, one peek at the author's timeline will tell you that she's a master tweeter, in addition to everything else. From her clever live-tweeting of The Bachelor to her take on presidential debates, Weiner's wit shines, even in as little as 140 characters. In celebration of her new collection of personal essays, Hungry Heart: Adventures In Life, Love, and Writing, we looked back on a few of her sharpest, most body-positive tweets. Take a look, get inspired, and grab your own copy of the book, which hits bookstores today.

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