Should You Really Be Using Bar Soap To Beef Up Your Brows?

Ah, eyebrows. They may not take up much real estate on your face, but for their relative size they sure have transformative powers. Sometimes the idea of perfectly groomed arches is so appealing, people will do just about anything — even procedures like transplants and microneedling — to make them bolder, fuller, and more defined. And now, there's a new hack circulating the internet that promises to get you a thicker set — using a single household item: a bar of soap. So what's the basic gist? You take an eyebrow brush and sweep it along a wet and sudsy bar of soap, then stroke the brush along your brows. The idea is that the soap works like a wax or pomade; the bubbly water will hold stray hairs in place and add a little heft. Countless bloggers have sworn by the method. Here's the tutorial behind all the hype:
So, as crazy as it sounds, we have to admit that the ease factor makes it pretty tempting. After all, bar soap is a staple at home, at hotels, and pretty much couldn't be cheaper at any drugstore. But the concept had us more than a little skeptical. What happens if you sweat with soap clinging to your face? (Spoiler alert: breakouts.) Brow expert and celebrity makeup artist Ramy agrees that we should proceed with caution here. "In theory, using soapy water as a primer is resourceful and good for someone who has sparse brows, but in reality, you really don't need it," he says. "It's just as simple to comb through your brows with a brush in upward strokes and then fill them in as usual." If you have an issue with your brows staying in place, Ramy recommends a clear brow gel before any other products. "Those are even easier because they come ready to use, so you don't have to play chemist by mixing up soap and water." In other words, leave your lab coat (and rubber ducky) out of it.

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