Kristin Cavallari’s Donald Trump Comments Are So Disappointing

Kristin Cavallari's comments about her late brother had us feeling emotional. Her comments about Donald Trump's misogynist behavior have us feeling angry. The former reality star is catching flak for appearing to defend Trump and Billy Bush's controversial statements about women as "locker-room" banter. Though she said she didn't approve of the comments about grabbing women, the wife of Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler seemed to chalk it up to typical "sleazy" guy behavior. "I actually do think that guys talk like that," Cavallari said during an interview with SiriusXM's Taylor Strecker, as Entertainment Tonight reports. "They do. However, obviously as a woman, as a mother, I don't want to hear that. However, guys are kind of sleazy and they do talk about that stuff, some of my girlfriends talk like that." She also suggested that Trump may have been justified in thinking that he could treat women in the manner he described. "When you're a star, they let you do it," Trump says on the 2005 recording."You can do anything." Cavallari's take? "Obviously, guys with power and money, they kind of can get any girl, unfortunately," she said. "I mean, girls do throw themselves at these guys, and so they kind of can do whatever they want, which isn't necessarily okay. But I do think that that kind of talk probably happens more than we think, or than we want to think." The mother of three also said she would "probably slap [her sons] across the face" if she heard them talking like Trump. Was that supposed to be funny? Not surprisingly, Cavallari's tone-deaf comments aren't sitting well with some women. Allow this fan to sum it up. "I'm a little disappointed in @KristinCav," one tweet reads. "There's a difference between talking about looks & bragging about sexual assault."
Brace yourself for some fallout, KCav.

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