Mexican Brewery Tricks Trump Supporters Into Funding A Fiesta

Donald Trump is finally doing some good south of the border. The Republican presidential candidate famously disdains Mexico, repeatedly insisting that he will build a wall that will somehow be paid for by the Mexican government. Now, Mexican craft brewery Cerveza Cucapá is using his own tricks against him to fund this party. Here's what happened: The brewery sent staff to Los Angeles where they tricked Trump supporters into giving them money for what appeared to be pro-Trump swag. Basically they set up shop and told people they wanted to build a wall of "chelas," or beers. This, apparently, worked. One guy thought it was so funny that he joined in and helped sell shirts and hats on the Venice Boardwalk. The twist was that when people put on the shirts, the image of Trump turned into a clown and displayed a mocking message thanks to a printing process using heat-sensitive ink. The message reads "Donald el que lo lea," which is a play on a Mexican joke. The translation is "whoever reads this is a Donald." The intention was that only Mexicans or Mexican-Americans would understand the reference.
Mario García, Cucapá founder, tells Munchies they felt they should do something “after that infamous clip where he said, ‘Mexico will pay for the wall, they just don’t know it yet.’ So we decided, ‘Well, Donald Trump is gonna pay for our beers, even though he doesn’t know it yet.’”

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