Sarah Jessica Parker Taking A Photo Of Her Shoes Is All Of Us

Anyone who's ever taken a shoefie, i.e. a selfie focusing on one's footwear, knows it's a very involved process. You find a spot with an interesting, but not distracting, background. You wait until the area is cleared. You arrange yourself in an often unnatural position to take advantage of the lighting (which is always natural). You take one last look around you, and, bam, you get the shot. Of course, seeing how the sausage gets made, so to speak, is never all that glamorous. But it's reassuring that the step-by-step process, of the shoefie and the accompanying emotional roller coaster, is more or less the same, no matter who's taking it. Take, for instance, Sarah Jessica Parker. Over the weekend, she was sitting on the stoop of her New York brownstone, soaking in the fall sunshine and reading the paper. But, wait: She takes a quick glance around her, looks down at her delightfully sparkly SJP Collection Mary Jane pumps, and quickly whips out her phone to snap a picture (bird's-eye, obviously) — which ended up on Instagram shortly after, as Harper's Bazaar pointed out.
Photo: ROB DAVIS/ Startraks Photo.
Photo: ROB DAVIS/ Startraks Photo.
Parker maintains an enviable social media presence, and it's filled with plenty of good #shoefie moments — the best promotion for her namesake line, after all. Still, the behind-the-scenes makes it seem, for a second, that SJP is just like any other person wearing a particularly photogenic pair of shoes on a sunny Saturday. So to that, Sarah Jessica, we say, #same. Although her final outcome is way more Insta-popular than ours.

"Well my bags are packed and I'm ready to go" x, sj

A photo posted by SJP (@sarahjessicaparker) on

Hey, SJP, any pointers you'd like to share with the class?

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