You May Disagree, but THIS Is The Most Popular Candy In Your State

Photographed by Ruby Yeh.
Right now, America is torn by an important debate. Friends and neighbors are disagreeing, and these States of ours have never felt less United. Oh, we're not talking about the upcoming election. No, there's a different discussion happening across our country right now, and it's over the critical topic of candy. A few weeks ago, the retail review website Influenster published results from a survey on which candy is America's favorite. It polled 40,000 Americans, and the results were broken down by state. With the site's infographic of confections, you can see what candy is the most popular where you're from, but we have to warn you, you may not agree.
According to the map, New Yorkers most love SweeTarts, while AirHeads reign supreme in Washington. To be honest, we don't think either of those treats deserve a top spot in any state, but that just proves how divisive this issue really is. Folks from Arizona seem to have a slightly more refined palate, because they went for Toblerone. Now we're talking. In addition to naming the favorite sweet of each individual state, Influenster found the top candy across the board. Recently, here at Refinery29, we asked you to cast your votes on the all-time best Halloween candy, and first place went to Reese's Pumpkins — a very respectable answer. You guys clearly know what's up, because Influenster also reported that Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups pulled the highest total number of votes. Reese's were a top favorite in every single state along with Kit Kats — another R29 favorite — and Butterfingers. So, while we might not agree with the votes cast in Washington and New York, it seems we're pretty united on the topic of chocolate.

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