Lena Dunham & The Cast Of OITNB Explain Why They’re All “With Her” (& Why You Should Be, Too)

Lena Dunham and the cast of Orange Is The New Black are here to tell us that Hillary Clinton's likely win as the first female President of the United States is only the beginning of a revolution in women's leadership. And the statistics couldn't more urgently highlight the need for change. While women represent 53% of the American electorate (the largest ballot-casting constituency in the nation), they compose just 19.4% of Congress. Men overwhelmingly legislate the issues that impact women's lives, dominating decisions on policies ranging from health care and reproductive rights to early childhood education and the continued campaign for equal pay. Luckily, that may all be about to change. With Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office (and a little help from senators like Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Kirsten Gillibrand, to name a few), American women face an unprecedented opportunity to have those pivotal economic and social initiatives shaped by representatives who've actually lived them. So if you think it's finally time for guaranteed paid family leave (since, you know, the U.S. is the only developed nation without it), and you believe in protecting and strengthening our right to choose, stand "with her" by voting for Hillary, and join the revolution. Hear that? It's the sound of a glass ceiling shattering.

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