There Will Be One Notable Change To Gilmore Girls On Netflix

Photo: Saeed Adyani/Netflix
The return to Stars Hollow is less than a month away, but that doesn't mean we can't collect every little detail about Gilmore Girls' new Netflix season. Creators Amy Sherman-Palladino and Dan Palladino sat down at Entertainment Weekly's PopFest to discuss the upcoming series and explained why Rory and Lorelai's hometown may look a little different when the series begins streaming November 25. "I think the first weird part was when they started to rebuild Stars Hollow on the backlot in Burbank," says Dan of the most surreal moment from the revival. Though Gilmore Girls is filming on the same Warner Bros. backlot as it did during its initial run, there's a very specific reason why the series wasn't able to retain its sets. "It's basically a shell now, it's the Pretty Little Liars we had to transform it. There was no Luke's Diner, no nothing, so to see it slowly turning back into Stars Hollow was cool. To build our sets, like the Gilmore house, as it slowly came to be... It was sort of like a ghost house at first, there was no furniture or wall was a little eerie." "There were no plans for the [Gilmore house]," says Amy of the rebuilding process. "So they built it twice as big. We always had the issue with the Gilmore house, because the first season, we didn't have that much money, so Ed [Herrmann] always looked like he was in a dollhouse." Sadly, Amy points out that Herrmann, who portrayed Rory's grandfather, Richard, on the series, passed away before the show was able to build him a house large enough for his stature. Considering that almost a decade has passed both for the show and the characters within it, it makes sense that the locations we've come to love will look a little different this time around. Gilmore Girls purists will likely be able to spot the difference between the original sets and the ones that the show had to remake for the Netflix revival, but at the end of the day, we're not watching the series for its aesthetic. Gilmore Girls has always belonged to the characters, and as long as Rory and Lorelai are the same fast-talking, ride-or-die mother and daughter they have always been, fans should forgive the set seeming a tad askew.

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