People Are Fired Up About Lena Dunham’s Trump-Bashing Halloween Costume

Donald Trump said it. Lena Dunham turned it into a Halloween costume. Do you love it, or hate it? Many are reacting strongly to Dunham's polarizing getup this year. The Girls star and Hillary Clinton supporter wore a cat costume with a twist: Those are two (rather large) hands feeling up her breast and crotch. Get it? She's a "grabbed pussy."

Happy Halloween! With love from a Grabbed Pussy ✋? ? by the very tolerant @jenna_wb #imanasshole

A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on

Some fans were quick to praise Dunham for using Trump's words about "grabbing [women] by the pussy" against him. Many saw it as a powerful statement that called out the presidential candidate's alarming comments about sexual assault. "Best costume I've seen this year," gushed one Instagram follower. "Bravo @lenadunham, you will break the internet," another fan commented. "Great job, girl. Perfectly sums up Trump's stance on women." "YOU WIN HALLOWEEN," added another. Others, however, took Dunham to task, accusing her of making a mockery of the serious issue of sexual assault. "It's one thing to call Trump out for his disgusting, sexist, and triggering comments but Lena, I feel like you of all people should also see how triggering this costume could be for survivors of sexual assault," a critic commented. "You're wearing a costume of blatant violence and it seems rather unproductive." "Yes! Let's draw attention to something we despise," read another comment, accompanied by an eye-roll emoji. "There are woman all over the world who have their bodies exploited," one follower added. "It's sad to me that this is something that people 'like.'" What say you? Is Dunham being a hypocrite for making light of statements she deemed offensive? Is she missing the point in her pursuit of taking Trump to task, or did she nail it?

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