Molly Sims Discusses Her Struggles With Fertility

Photo: Rob Latour/REX/Shutterstock.
Getting pregnant was a process for Molly Sims. It's why she's sharing her fertility journey with the world to let other women know they're not alone. In Us Weekly, the mother of two, who is pregnant with her third child, which she says was a "surprise," opens up about her decision to freeze her eggs. It was a choice she made before meeting her husband Scott Stuber. "The maternal clock all of a sudden just started happening," Sims said in a video she posted on her YouTube page. She admitted that she didn't actually end up freezing her embryos until "about nine months before we got married in September of 2011.” While the model got pregnant naturally with her first child, now four years old, she said freezing her eggs helped ease any pressure she may have felt. “Honestly I got pregnant on my honeymoon!” the 43-year-old said. “I think because we had froze, and because I had in the back of my mind a safety blanket — a safety net — I got pregnant.” Getting pregnant with her second child, now 19 months, Sims admits, was a bit harder. She tried IVF twice, but in the end, conceived naturally once again. "I was just about to do another round," she said, "and there you go." Everyone's journey to getting pregnant is different and personal, but Sims wanted to share hers to let women know it isn't always easy and no one has to pretend it is. “I think what women put themselves through — the emotions and the shots and the hormones and the weight gain and then trying to lose the weight," she said. "It’s just a struggle. It’s so difficult.” Though, she believes talking about it can remove the stigma that so many women feel. It allows women to embrace their own fertility stories. Sims advice to any woman who is struggling to get pregnant is finding someone — a partner, a friend, a family member — who is on their side. Someone they can "talk to and really be open with.” "It's a waiting game," Sims said. "But having that village of women to help you through that is so important. And I do think it helps make you feel safe."

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