Queen Sugar Episode 9 Recap: Calm After The Storm

Photo: Courtesy of OWN.
Episode nine shows us just how purposeful the big hurricane was as a metaphor for the Bordelon family throughout this season. Up until last week, drama and tension had been brewing to the point of explosion, and the downpour finally came to a head in episode 8. Now in episode 9, we see the aftermath, and there are a few signs of new growth after this big storm for some of Queen Sugar's storylines: The Bordelon children finally begin to realize: Running a farm and business are no joke.
You might recall that last week, Charley was the boss from hell, asking the farm's undocumented workers to stay late to finish their work even though a terrifying hurricane was approaching. This week as Charley, Ralph Angel, and Remy assess the damage to the sugar cane, they discover two murdered bodies — who turn out to be two of those same workers. In a stomach-turning moment, when the police arrive to question the siblings, they admit to the cops that none of them have any idea of the names of the men who worked for them and are now dead. I shared their Aunt Violet's sentiment: They ought to be ashamed of themselves. But as horrific as that fact was, it was also very real: The immigrant community in this country is often seen as invisible to business owners of all colors. Ever the intrepid journalist, Nova realizes that there is a story here, and asks the police officer if they'll really do what they can to find out who killed these undocumented workers. The cop admits that "they" — meaning, other workers — won't talk to the cops, so Nova asks the natural question: Isn't that a problem? The cop responds, "We're just trying to do our job. If they don't trust us, it's on them." Whew. I can imagine that line is often said by police officers working in minority communities across the country. I'm proud of QS for touching on this subject; not only did the address the lack of trust between the Black community and law enforcement this season, but also between law enforcement and the Latino and immigrant communities as well. Charley is most shaken up by all of this because she feels responsible — after all, if she had sent the men home when she was supposed to (and as Remy had advised), they might still be alive. She wants the Bordelon family to pay for the men's remains to be returned to their families back home in Mexico, no matter how much it will cost.

Nova and Charley begin to mend their relationship.
This incident with the migrant workers leads Charley to admit to her sister that she's not a good person. She reveals that she was the one who leaked the name of the prostitute Davis had cheated on her with to the press — and that she also lied to the press about Davis's teammates not raping the girl. She looks to her earnest sister Nova, typically quick to trade insults with her, for confirmation that she's a bad person. Instead, Nova comforts a crying Charley, reminding her that she had a card, and she played it. Would you look at that! The sisters are there for one another — finally. Hopefully this is the start of a better relationship between the two, because it breaks my heart to see them tear each other apart each episode. I'm also hoping Nova's words will give Charley the freedom to move on to her new man; while in the beginning of the episode we learned that last week's kiss between her and Remy was just that, a kiss (fingers crossed there's still a steamy sex scene to come before the finale), Remy ends this episode by forcefully removing himself from Charley's friend zone. When she questions them acting on their feelings in front of the family, he responds, "Everybody here is grown, including us. They can look if they want to." Okay, Remy! I see you! Charley, being overthinking Charley, then asks what the family would see if they did look. "A good man telling an extraordinary woman that he doesn't want to be her friend." Charley looks convinced, but doesn't run after him when he drives away. And I'm all Girl, if you don't allow this man to go on ahead and whisk you away to your happily ever after, I will!

Aunt Vi begins to learn the art of letting go.
There's some major destruction on Violet's land, especially her garden. It feels symbolic of the downfall of her relationship with Hollywood. While we don't see much develop between the two of them this episode, Violet does confide in Hollywood that Ralph is still asking her to sign over custody of Blue, and she is still refusing. Hollywood points out that it's not Blue she's scared of losing — it's Ralph Angel, whom she's always had a special relationship with. Later in the episode, Nova tells Violet she's too busy putting her energy into other people who need her, like Ralph and Hollywood, to take care of them. Violet explains that that was the way she was raised, but Nova's like Hey, Auntie: Don't forget you have a purpose. Like many Black women of her generation that I know, Violet is too busy being the backbone of the family to ever do anything for herself. She's hesitant to do anything other than that, but there's a slight glint in her eye that gives me hope that maybe, just maybe, she might start to indulge in a little self-care.

Ralph Angel and Darla make amends.
Ralph, meanwhile, is beginning to build a relationship with Darla again. When she asks if she can really start to see Blue more often, Ralph gives in, telling her that she needs to start by getting a car seat, and they can start to work something out from there. I'm holding my breath that Darla will keep it together long enough to not break adorable baby Blue's heart again — or Ralph's.

And Micah gets a new boo!
Micah's got a cruuuush! Keke, a family friend's daughter who comes by to help Violet fix her land, is playing the classic playground game "Be Mean To The Boy You Like." She teases him about being a California surfer boy, but it's clear a blushing and bashful Micah is hooked; he tells Keke he hopes to see her again. Ah, young love — and a ray of sunshine after the biggest, most thunderous episode of the season. That's all for now. See you all next week, Queen Sugar fiends!

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