Kristen Stewart Just Made Another Huge Hair Change — & It’s Good

Photo: AKM/GSI.
Kristen Stewart, all-around cool girl and fashion chameleon, has made her way back to the dark side. After sporting a shock of platinum-blond hair for months, the actress debuted a chocolate 'do at an event in Paris yesterday, according to Vogue — and we love the return to her natural state. There are plenty of reasons to love her as a brunette. For one, it reminds us of how much we love Stewart's IDGAF style — the kind that embodies your inner angsty goth. We also appreciate it just for the sake of change. Aside from an orange hue a few years ago, Stewart has kept to a natural caramel-brown color. We loved her blond period — it gave us major '90s-grunge vibes, and she routinely paired the 'do with intense, edgy makeup and even got a rad new tattoo. But this change seems fitting, just in time for fall. Welcome back to the brunette world, Kristen Stewart. Now, get back to biting your lip and challenging the status quo.

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