Hillary Clinton Sent A Secret Facebook Group The Most Uplifting Message

Photo: Bloomberg/Getty Images.
It's not often that a "secret" Facebook group makes political headlines, but today, Pantsuit Nation did just that. The group, which is only secret in the sense that you must be invited to join and see posts, has been a place for users to celebrate Clinton. Today, she spoke directly to them. Just a few hours ago, Jenna Lowenstein, who heads up digital for Hillary for America, posted in the group. Describing herself as a "longtime lurker" Lowenstein said that she told Clinton about the group today. She then proceeded to share a grateful message from Clinton herself: "On this historic day, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart. This election hasn't been easy: It's been long, hard-fought, and at times it made us question who we are as Americans. For some of you, it's been difficult to feel like you could wear your support on your sleeve — and that's why this community has been such a special place. Your stories and photos of family members and friends are wonderful to see, but what truly warms my heart is the thousands of comments of support and love you all send to each other." Over the course of today, members of Pantsuit Nation have posted photos of themselves before heading to the polls and after voting, wearing Clinton's signature pantsuit. The colors of the suits were many, but the sentiment was the same: We are proud and honored to finally vote for a woman for president. In an interview today with the New York Times, Pantsuit Nation creator Libby Chamberlain said that she was receiving thousands of posts "every few minutes" and was struggling to keep up with the volume (she and her moderators approve each post). Each post was a tribute to Clinton and to the sisterhood the group has fostered. Many members of the group, which includes stories from women whose grandmothers were suffragettes, comment that Pantsuit Nation restored their faith in humanity during what has been a demoralizing election. If we were to define the now-famous group with a Facebook Reaction, it would have to be "love." Read these stories next: People Hacked Trump's Official Website & Made It Pro-Hillary
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