Praise Be, The Avocado Apocalypse Of 2016 Will Soon Be Over

Photographed by Andy Price.
October is usually a joyous month that brings about an exciting change of season. This year, though, the month was marred by tragic skyrocketing avocado prices. The increased prices were caused by a growers’ strike in Mexico. Guacamole-lovers everywhere have been crying into their empty serving dishes since the shortage began and many of us have had to swear off that bank-breaking avo toast. Don't worry, dear readers. It looks like we'll soon have made it to the other side — and just in time for National Spicy Guacamole Day this Monday. Huzzah!

According to the New York Post
, the workers' strike has officially ended. Last week, the executive director of the Hass Avocado Board — what a job — Emiliano Escobedo, reported, “Avocados are flowing freely and abundantly into this country.” The Post also reports that while prices aren't expected to go all the way down to "traditional levels," they will soon decrease. Following the exhausting election, this exciting news is now being held up as a small beam of hope among the horrible headlines we're seeing everywhere. Specifically, people are liking and sharing a photo posted to Instagram by Whole30 yesterday that featured a headline about the declining avo prices captioned, "In a world full of negative news stories, one story rises above them all."

And Whole30'ers everywhere rejoice #youmightbewhole30 #IAmWhole30 #Whole30

A photo posted by The Original Whole30 Program (@whole30) on

Since being posted, the photo has been liked over 11,000 times. I guess the world just really needed this good news.

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